Greetings to the Artisans of the Midrealm!
As I’m sure most are aware, the recent viral outbreak has cost us two of our Regional A&S Faires. With great sadness, I, in consultation with the Constellation MOAS and the Crown, have decided to cancel the Constellation A&S Faire, April 18.
Rather than see the regional system become arbitrary, ALL entries which have been entered at Midlands and South Oaken are deemed to qualify for the Kingdom A&S Faire, May 23. In addition, if you intended to enter at one of the other three Faires, you may instead register directly for Kingdom.
If you have entered a project in ANY regional Faire this year, you have been automatically entered in Kingdom. This includes regionals that have been since canceled. If you do not wish to enter at Kingdom, please let your Regional MOAS know as soon as possible so that we can remove your entry. Currently, entrants do not have the ability to remove their own entries. 🙂
For those that may have been hoping to get documentation feedback at their Regional Faire, please reach out to your Regional MOAS for assistance, they are looking forward to helping you! 🙂
Many thanks to everyone that has assisted in these decisions and in making this work for the Kingdom!
Regional MOASs
North Oaken – Master Milesent Vibert [email protected]
South Oaken – THL Honor von Atzinger [email protected]
Pentamere – THL Fujinami no Kaede [email protected]
Constellation – THL Brynn Herleifsson [email protected]
Midlands – THL Mwynwen (Strawberrie) [email protected]
In Service,
Maestra Sarai Tindall Sogliano
[email protected] |