Midrealm A&S Faires – Update and Reminder

Greetings to the Artisans of the Midrealm!

As previously announced, all entries which were entered into a Regional A&S Faire qualified for Kingdom this year. As a reminder Entries must be moved or registered for Kingdom no later than April 25, 2020! See instructions below to register for Kingdom.

If you have entered a project in ANY regional Faire this year, you can move your entry to Kingdom, please use the directions at the attached link to move your entry https://midrealm.org/2020/03/17/2020-midrealm-kingdom-as-faire-tutorial/. Currently, entrants do not have the ability to remove their own entries, so you will need to contact your Regional to withdraw an entry. 

With the sign-on of our regionals and some additional experienced judges, we are excited to be able to review documentation remotely BEFORE Kingdom as an optional service to our entrants. If you want help and feedback on your docs, please just reach out via email to your Regional, listed below.

Many thanks to everyone that has assisted in making this work for the Kingdom!

Maestra Sarai Tindall Sogliano
Kingdom Minister of Arts & Science
[email protected] 

Regional MOASs
North Oaken – Master Milesent Vibert [email protected] 
South Oaken – THL Honor von Atzinger [email protected] 
Pentamere – THL Fujinami no Kaede [email protected]
Constellation – THL Brynn Herleifsson [email protected]
Midlands – THL Mwynwen (Strawberrie) [email protected]