Good and gentle subjects of the Midrealm, hear the words of your King and Queen.
The Delta variation of Covid-19 is spreading at an accelerated rate. This variant is more transmissible than Ebola or Smallpox and is as contagious as Chickenpox. Further, the Delta variant has been reported to be one thousand times more contagious than the Alpha variant. The duties of the Crown are to see to the well-being of its people. The Crown is a sacrifice to the people and must serve and protect the people of the realm.
It is with that in mind that We come to you with words which may be difficult to hear. Effective August 4th, 2021, We are requiring masks for everyone attending any SCA indoor activities or events, including people who have been vaccinated. There will be no exceptions granted to this requirement. Your masks must be worn properly, always covering the nose and mouth and must be well fitting. Indoors is defined as four walls and a roof, this includes a tent. This isn’t about your personal choice or your freedom, this is about helping protect those who can’t yet get a vaccine or are immune compromised.
No one wants to go back to wearing masks; it’s the responsible thing to do until an even larger portion of the population gets vaccinated or infection rates are trending to a much lower level. This decision was made after consulting scientists, Royal Peers, Curia, and Our Heirs. It’s not an easy thing to require. This is an attempt to still allow people the opportunity to participate in the SCA and reduce the risk to people’s health and those they may encounter.
With all Our love,
King Felix et Sultana Madeleina
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