Pale Letter – June – MK Seneschal

Greetings! Happy June to all who read this missive written at the beginning of May.

There is a lot going on.

COVID updates

There has been an uptick in COVID cases nationwide and also at events. We continue to monitor the situation. Please note that all positive cases in recent weeks have been of individuals who were fully vaccinated and boosted. Thus we are not minded to re-institute the COVIDSafe policy requiring vaccination of all attendees as this will not measurably change the risk of attendees.

If you are exposed to a positive individual, then we ask that you follow the CDC guidelines before returning to participation. There is an excellent tool for figuring out what you should do here:

Please note that currently the Midrealm expects you to not attend an event within 10 days of testing positive or having symptoms. This is in keeping with the CDC guidelines that call for travel to be avoided for 10 days.

Remember that mask wearing indoors has been shown to reduce both the risk of spreading and catching respiratory illnesses and you are welcome to mask if it makes you more comfortable. Outdoor settings with the increased air flow are lower risk and therefore we do not anticipate any outdoor mask requirements.

As always please notify me [email protected] if you test positive within 2 days of an event attendance so that we may notify those in attendance. And do not hesitate to contact me if you have concerns or comments.

SCA property in private storage.

The Board of the SCA has indicated that they would like there to be contracts when SCA property is stored on private property. We suspect that this is to prevent any issues where an individual dies, is incapacitated or there is another reason to provide legal proof of the property and an agreement between an individual and the group. The Midrealm law clerk has generated a “fill in the blank” template contract. This contract has been published to the webpage in the library, uploaded to the Midrealm Seneschals Group on FB and sent to the regional seneschals to disseminate to groups. Please make sure that if you have group property stored on private property that you execute the contract.

Summer events

We cannot know what the future holds but I hope to see you at the summer camping events. Go out have fun and be safe. No one can make decisions for you. Only you know what feels right for you. I will be out and about and hope to see you there.

Yours in service,

Helewyse de Birkestad
Seneschal of the Middle Kingdom