The Pale – June Letter from KMOAS – Incoming

Hello, Midrealm,

I’m Tommaso, your incoming Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.

First, I’d like to thank my predecessor Maîtresse Audette for her service, especially navigating the post-plague activities restart. She hired me for my second-ever officer role as Pentamere Regional, which I apparently did well enough to wind up here.

Second, to my successor at Pentamere, Lady Isobella – thank you for stepping up to the role. Also thanks to Lord Ulrich, for taking on Andelcrag MOAS so I could move to Regional.

Right now I’m looking forward to Kingdom A&S where I‘ll be sworn in and, I’m certain, see a tiny piece of the amazing work we do here in the Midrealm. Sometime soon, Master Tonis will announce our team for the A&S War Point. I know that’s an impossible choice. The Dragon will be well represented at Pennsic.

Pennsic? By now I hope you’re pre-reged and have your classes entered into Thing 2. This year I plan on adding a new class on the Presocratics. So what are you teaching at Pennsic? You don’t need to be a “Perfessor” or even an Arminger. All you need is knowledge and passion. I’m looking forward to learning what you know.

After that will be Their Majesties’ Ivan and Katalena’s Tournament of the Arts (ToA). Watch for announcements about the ToA coming up. Meanwhile, we’ve got Known World Music and Dance in Sternfeld, Craftsperson’s Greens, local displays and events, and, in Fall, RUM. You all do an amazing job keeping up A&S activities.

FINALLY – I need your help. First, by telling us about the amazing work you do. Is your local MOAS looking over your shoulder and asking you about that Cool Thing You’re Doing? Yep, it’s what we do, and why we’re here. Second, I have job openings. I always have job openings. And every single Gentle on my team has a term of office which will eventually run out. Check The Pale for the latest Kingdom openings. Also, talk to your Local, Regional, or even me if you’re interested in learning what being an MOAS entails.

Moving forward, I plan to work on my brevity.

In Service to Art, Science, and the Kingdom,

Minister of Arts & Sciences of the Middle Kingdom.