Court Summons – Baronial Border War

Their Royal Majesties, Tsar Ivan and Tsaritsa Katalena, will be holding Court at Baronial Border War on 15 June, LIX – AS 59 (2024) in Their Barony of the Andelcrag.

The following gentles are invited to attend Them in Court:

Aine a Burc
Al-Jania Qamar bindt Vartam
Aoife Daragh
Beck de Lalonde (formerly Beck of Three Hills)
Cadence of Andelcrag
Cyneburh Edryceswif
Dallas Maclean
Fritz VonLang
Irini Al Kalabreea
Isobella Gray of Donnershafen
Isobella Grey
Jean Bontemps
Mieczko the Swift of Jaroslav
Padraig McLoughlin
Sigismund Hebenstreit von Donnershafen
Sóma Hjálmarsdóttir
Walter le Mareshall
Wolfrick of Donnershafen

Those listed above who will be in attendance are asked to please check in with the Herald-In-Charge at some point before Court, so that they know you are there and can note your pronouns and the pronunciation of your name. Please remember that no one is required to attend events, and you are encouraged to do what makes you feel comfortable.

If you are not comfortable being called up publicly or are unable to attend, please contact the Dragon Herald in advance of the event so arrangements can be made to convey your award to you privately or at another date.

This I tell you on behalf of the Crown of the Middle Kingdom.

Draco Invictus!