Konichiwa, Good Day,
The Youth Combat programs need YOU. The events you attend, the events you schedule, the events you volunteer at all are opportunities for the youth of the Kingdom. Youth activities are a cornerstone of the SCA: families feel welcome when their children are seen, heard, supported, and engaged. Children and youth of the Middle Kingdom want more opportunities to do the things we want to do – youth enjoy archery, thrown weapons, boffer, and rapier just like we adults do. We as a Society owe it to our children to make these activities available for our youth.
What can you do to help? Schedule youth combat at your next event, practice, or other opportunities. Volunteer – become a youth officer-at-large to help be the second background-checked adult at activities. Volunteer to become a marshal for a particular activity. Support events by offering to run activities and be the MIC. Want more information? Check out the youth officers section on the website, or the Earl Marshal website for youth combat opportunities.
There will be a first at Pennsic this year – Wednesday of War Week there will be a Middle Kingdom-sponsored TOD at the Youth Rapier list for the youth at Pennsic.
In Service to the Dream,
Oda Umi – Dono
Middle Kingdom Deputy Earl Marshal – Youth