Greetings from the Minister of Arts and Sciences,
How busy has our spring been? I’m still not done with all the paperwork from my office transition. No worries, it will be done by the time you read this. But it all needs to get done.
Right now the biggest thing on my mind is Pennsic! We have a solid team for the A&S War Point.
Thanks to Master Tonis for his leadership. I look at the vast array of classes offered by Midrealmers and it’s easy to be overwhelmed. If I may, consider looking at a class you wouldn’t normally take. One of the best jewelers I know is a Knight, a Pelican, and a Royal Peer. You never know whom you might be learning from.
And how about this year you take a class you’d never imagine taking? My first Pennsic I took an
amazing class on the history of spoken English. Well outside of my wheelhouse, but fascinating.
Displays? Our very own Midrealm Royal is hosting Crafter’s Greens weekdays through Monday of War Week. And we aren’t the only ones! Check the schedule for artisan displays from the Knowne World.
Performances? Whether it’s our first King, Cariadoc, telling stories to the Troll Line, or our very own Zsof directing the Knowne World Players performance, there is definitely something you’ll enjoy going on somewhere at War, and likely including a Midrealmer.
Finally, are you an MOAS? Are you interested in becoming an MOAS? Are you wondering, “What the heck does an MOAS even do?” On War Tuesday, from noon until 2, I’ll be hosting the Midrealm MOAS Meet-and-Greet at Midrealm Royal. Get to know That Guy Who’s Always Nagging About Another Report.
Hope to write to you all in September with a whole bunch of exciting things coming up.
Tommaso Franceschi, OL
Minister of Arts & Sciences of the Middle Kingdom