The Pale – September Letter Exchequer

Greetings, all,

We are still accepting applications for Pentamere Regional Exchequer.

My thanks to the hardy few who braved the weather and stopped by the exchequer meet-and-greet at Pennsic – at least it was dry under that tent :>)

For those groups who have a Quartermaster/ Property Steward/ Reeve or other title for a person managing their physical assets/regalia/inventory, I highly recommend that they be warranted as a group deputy exchequer. That person does not have to be a signatory on your bank account(s), however.

When you hold an event, are certain adults “comp’d”, i.e., allowed in without paying site fee? Most groups comp Royalty, some groups comp certain event staff. If your group does do this, remember that a listing of who gets in free must be described in your Group Financial Policy.

May your books always be in balance.

In service,

Aidan Blackstone
Exchequer of the Middle Kingdom