The Pale – September Letter from the Chatelaine

Unto the Populace of the Middle Kingdom,

As we exit the summer months, some more crispy than others, it is now time to turn our sights to more peaceful times. With the cooler weather to come, please take the time to refresh yourself and look for ways to help our fair Kingdom grow. I put it in that order because you can’t pour from an empty cup. All too often I have witnessed people serve to the point that they have nothing left to give. Involve our newcomers (youth included), but don’t overwhelm them or stifle them. Yes, it is a fine line but one I know we can adjust to.

REPORTS: Remember, Chatelaines must report! Reports are due Feb 1, Apr 1, Aug 1, and Nov 1. We will do a better job in reminding you but it is your responsibility as an officer to report.

Lastly, keep a watch on the Kingdom Job Board as we will be posting positions there soon. The first position I am looking to fill is First Deputy Chatelaine. This position will work with me to make things run smoothly. Being the First Deputy Chatelaine is not a guarantee of being the next Kingdom Chatelaine, but it is an expanded view of the inner workings of the Kingdom.

In service,

Gregory Bryant, OP
Kingdom Chatelaine