Oh my word! It has been a very busy end of summer/ early fall for courts! The Heirs have ascended
the Dragon Thrones in a wonderful Coronation ceremony. Their Excellencies Ivan and Katalena
have temporarily retired to their lands to rest and relax after a very busy reign. DRACO INVICTUS!
Crown Tournament will be/was an exciting event! Many excellent bouts by combatants contesting to crown their consort as heir to the Throne! Long live the Heirs!
The scribes! Oh, the scribes! Their work has been phenomenal! Beautiful works that the Crown
passes to the recipients acknowledging the accomplishments of the populace!
And then we have the work of the heralds: voice, name, and armorial. Calling the combatants in
the lists, helping people discover or document the names they wish to use in the Society, or the
heraldic display devices and badges that identify individuals. Many of these individuals work in the
background; much like the scribes. Yet, their work is no less important than that of anyone else.
Perhaps, at times, more so because they do most of their work in the background. Seek out the scribes and ask to see their work, talk to the heralds who do the various forms of submissions for name and/ or device.
Senior Heralds, offer your time to mentor and guide newer heralds. Help them understand the
processes of court heraldry or field heralding the lists. Be a sounding board for the newer heralds.
As always, keep your voices hydrated, your inks and paints flowing, and your heraldic display skills
Kindest regards,
Baron Gilebert le braceeur de Dijon, OL
Dragon Herald