Greetings, Midrealm,
The holiday season is winding down, and the winter tournament season is in full swing. Make your repairs, shine your steel, and embrace the camaraderie of the lists! All our reports are in, and marshal activities continue to thrive. The Kingdom marshals are busy going through the handbooks and updating them as needed. Most changes will be minor, but there will be some that are bigger.
One of the things the Deputy Earl Marshal for Marshal Training is going to be working on is a refresher on how to do proper authorizations. The method is written out in the handbooks. We don’t get to skip parts. It’s that simple. There is nothing so important that you should cut corners on a process that is designed to see how safe a person is. Everyone goes through the same steps so everyone can believe that the person on the other side of the list is just as safe engaging you as you are engaging them.
Aim true and fight with honor,
HE Robert Thorne, OP
Kingdom Earl Marshal, Middle Kingdom