The Pale – January Letter from the KMOAS

All hail to the days that merit more praise
Than all the rest of the year,
And welcome the nights that double delights,
As well for the poor as the peer!
Good fortune attend each merry man’s friend,
That doth but the best that he may;
Forgetting old wrongs, with carols and songs,
To drive the cold winter away.
— 1625 Broadside Ballad

Wintry greetings from your Kingdom MOAS! I hope you’re well, surrounded by those you call family, warm and fed. Those of us who live in the temperate zones are rushing headlong into all the various festivals that surround the Winter Solstice. I hope however you celebrate, it leaves your heart filled with joy and hope for the days to come. For the turning of the season marks the beginning of the lengthening of days, for as sure as the darkest night of winter comes, is not the spring close at hand?

How would your persona have celebrated the season? Would they be plying the stormy Mediterranean, huddled below decks, sails furled against the storm winds? Are they nestled snug in a longhouse, surrounded by their extended family, burning massive logs as if to encourage the fast- darkening sun to warmth? Perhaps they’re with their herds on the northern steppes of Asia, or perhaps they come from a land that knows little of this “winter” most of we Midrealmers enjoy. In Period, they would have had to deal with the changing seasons just as you do today. How would that influence their lives?

Local to me I see that Val Day is fast approaching and I’m considering creating a new class to debut there. What about you? Are there events you try to target for new classes? New garb for Val Day or 12th Night? Or maybe you can’t wait for warm weather and camping season.

I encourage you to watch the Kingdom schedule for the Queen’s Prize, Kingdom A&S, Crafter’s Greens, and other opportunities to show off your work. Not displaying? Check out the work other people are displaying. It’s amazing! See a crafter sitting by their display? Feel free to use Old Tom’s Super Secret Question, “Wow that looks AMAZING! Tell me about it!” You’ll be there awhile.

Finally, I’m still taking letters of intent for Constellation Regional MOAS. See the Kingdom Jobs page for more information. Midrealm, you guys are the best artisans around. Make something cool. Learn something new. Teach someone, anyone, something they didn’t know.

In service,

Tommaso Franceschi, OL
Minister of Arts & Sciences of the Middle Kingdom