The Pale – February letter from the KEM

Greetings, Midrealm!

February is upon us, which means for many it is time to go over gear and get it prepped for Gulf Wars and the upcoming season. Check your straps, straighten your arrows, and sharpen your axes for fun and merriment is just around the corner!

There was a finalization on the forearm armor requirement, and the Midrealm will NOT be making it a required piece of armor. As always, more protection is recommended, but it will remain your choice if you want to wear it or not.

Finally, here is your first reminder of the new reporting dates: Group Marshals, your report is due Feb 1. We had a fair number of marshals miss reporting last quarter and I don’t want that to become an ongoing issue. The more marshals we have, the safer we can be.

Aim small and fight with honor,
Baron Robert Thorne, OP
Kingdom Earl Marshal, Middle Kingdom