The Pale – February Letter from the Pale Herald

Greetings, gentle populace!

I’m your current Pale Herald, and as much as I love our newsletter, sadly my office has little to do with The Pale other than sharing a heraldic device. I am the heraldic officer in charge of assigning court heralds in charge for Royal courts. As you may or may not know, every Royal court needs a warranted herald to present the court report: the paperwork that turns the business that happens in court into an official record of awards and honors bestowed in the Order of Precedence. The Herald in Charge is also responsible for assigning which Heralds will be reading which bits of business and making sure that the court is organized according to Their Majesties’ (or Their Regents’) wishes.

In the past, the process for becoming a warranted court herald has been a bit organic and somewhat mysterious. (Mostly, you became a warranted herald; however, not every herald is interested in doing courts, and not everyone interested in heralding courts is interested in being an arms and names herald.) In an effort to make it easier and more transparent for someone to become a warranted court herald I am proposing a new process and a new warrant form. This will be in addition to current workflows, not a replacement. Currently warranted heralds will remain warranted without having to go through the form. (Not sure if you’re warranted? Ask me! The Dragon Herald maintains a roster of warranted heralds that they have shared with me for my office’s use.)

The proposed process is to fill out the warrant form by getting signatures from currently warranted heralds for each of the essential court herald tasks listed on the form. The final test will be running a court as Herald in Charge. After successful completion, your warrant will be complete and you will just need to file a yearly report at Domesday to maintain the warrant and be able to be a Herald in Charge for Royal courts.

Currently this is a proposed draft and I am soliciting your feedback on this form and process before we implement it. I am hopeful that this will make it easier for people who want to be involved and help out to do just that!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? I await your advice.

At your service,
Master Milesent Vibert, OL (she/her)
Pale Herald
[email protected]