Festival of Maidens 50: A Golden Year
Please join us as we celebrate 50 years of joyful gatherings at the Festival of Maidens!
The Shire of Caer Gwyn cordially invites you to teach, learn, fight, or just be here with friends who love and have missed you this last year. Vigils for Warder Roland de Sullane to the Order of Defense and Sgt. Immanuel von Brandenburg to the Order of the Pelican.
Site Fees:
18+ Member: $20
18+ Non-Member: $30
6-17: $5
Under 6: $0
Family Cap: $45
This event includes:
- Rapier Tournaments
- Heavy Tournaments
- A&S Classes
- Royal Court
- Bardic and Dancing
- No Merchants or Feast
This site is:
- Dry Site
- Site Accessible by wheelchairs and mobility aids.
- Hotel is small. Many other hotels nearby.
- Free Parking. Bus Accessible.
- On-site restaurant and nearby fast-food strip
- NO alcohol is allowed on the site premises. NO fire- or flame-based activities are allowed on site.