Twelfth Night in the Middle Marches (North Oaken)
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is holding a Twelfth Night in the Middle Marches. Our 12th Night celebration transports you back to the enchanting era of the Middle Ages, brimming with regal pageantry, courtly dances, and resplendent costumes, creating a truly immersive experience.
Member Online Adult $8
Member Online 6 to 17 Years Old $5
0 to 5 Years Old are Free
Non-Member Online Adult $13
Non-Member Online 6 to 17 Years Old $10
Online ends Thursday January 11, 2024
Site opens Saturday at 9:00 am
Member at Site Adult $10
Member at Site 6 to 17 Years Old $5
Non-Member at Site Adult $15
Non-Member at Site 6 to 17 Years Old $10
Feast $12
E-PAY Reservation:
This event includes:
- Arts and Sciences
This site is:
- Not pet friendly
- Dry