Office of the Deputy Earl Marshal for Armored Combat

Sir Draenge Svenson

Office that oversees all armored combat activities in the Middle Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]

Reporting Schedule

All disciplines are now reporting using the same form. Group marshals are required to report each quarter. Marshals of the Field and Marshals in Training are required to report once a year at the Domesday. Please submit reports here:

  • Tourney Report (includes authorizations summary): The Marshal in Charge has one (1) week to send report to Regional & Clerk of the Roster.
  • Incident Report: The Marshal in Charge and Chirurgeon have 48 hours to send a report to the Regional Marshal, Kingdom Earl Marshal.
  • Authorization Form: Combatants have 45 days to send in their completed authorization forms in to the Clerk of the Roster.
Marshals of the Field & Marshals in TrainingDec 1 (Domesday)
Local Group MarshalsMar 1 (Q1), Jun 1 (Q2), Sep 1 (Q3), Dec 1 (Q4/Domesday)
Regional MarshalsMar 7 (Q1), Jun 7 (Q2), Sep 7 (Q3), Dec 7 (Q4/Domesday)

Deputies to the Armored Marshal

ConstellationFergus MacPherson
MidlandsHjalmr Njalsson
North OakenMalcolm of Blackheath
PentamerePharamond de Flanders
South OakenAlrekr Eririksson

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