Captain Arnora in Skarpa
Office that oversees all combat archery activities in the Middle Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]
Lay On!
Combat Archery is fun and demanding, and becomes more exciting as you get more involved and proficient in it. Authorization in Combat Archery is open to anyone and may be your first authorization.
Combat Archery rules are fully contained within the latest edition of the Middle Kingdom Armored Combat Handbook. All Combat Archers and Combat Archery Marshals must know the information in it. The handbook can be found here.
If you are interested in becoming a Combat Archery Marshal in Training reach out to your regional marshal or the Deputy for Combat Archery. If approved they will send you back a Marshal In Training (MIT) form. MITs are expected to collect three signatures in four areas (bow/crossbow inspection, ammunition inspection, melee marshalling, authorizations) plus an additional signature for performing a bow weight inspection. Signatures for Bow/Crossbow Inspections can be collected on the target archery range as well as on the armored list.
We are also now allowing folks to become a Combat Archery Inspection Only Marshals – for their MIT process they only need signatures for bow/crossbow inspection, ammunition inspection, and the additional signature for performing a bow weight inspection. Warranted target archery marshals that wish to cross train do not need to collect signatures for bow/crossbow inspection.
Reporting Schedule
All disciplines are now reporting using the same form. Group marshals are required to report each quarter. Marshals of the Field and Marshals in Training are required to report once a year at the Domesday. Please submit reports here:
All | Nov 1 (Domesday) |
Deputies to the Combat Archery Marshal
Deputy | Caterina Luciano |
Constellation | Oscar von Lindau |
Midlands | Vacant |
North Oaken | Sarah of the Erie Sea |
Pentamere | Nyilas Kazmer |
South Oaken | Vacant |
Useful Links
- Armored Combat Handbook (Includes Combat Archery Rules)
- Documents and Forms for Combat Archery Activities
- Midrealm Earl Marshal’s YouTube Channel
- UNOFFICIAL Midrealm Marshals discussion group on Facebook
- Midrealm Combat Archery and Siege discussion group on Facebook
- Society Combat Archery Marshal page