Baroness Gwendolyn of Shadowed Stars
Office that oversees all equestrian activities in the Middle Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]
The purpose of the Middle Kingdom Equestrian College is the promotion of both participation in, and study of, equestrian activities and subjects in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), particularly the historical role and utilization of horses and their ilk in the ancient and medieval worlds. While based in the Middle Kingdom, anyone of any realm is welcome to participate in its activities, should they share our desire to study and develop skill in the areas of horsemanship, mounted martial prowess, equine studies, and/or equestrian related arts and sciences, and are willing to abide by our kingdom and college laws.
Reporting Schedule
All disciplines are now reporting using the same form. Group marshals are required to report each quarter. Marshals of the Field and Marshals in Training are required to report once a year at the Domesday. Please submit reports here:
Marshals of the Field & Marshals in Training | Dec 1 (Domesday) |
Local / Regional Marshals | Feb 14 (Q1), May 14 (Q2), Aug 14 (Q3), Nov 14 (Q4/Domesday) |
Deputies to the Equestrian Marshal
Deputy | Rhiannon filia Catell |
Constellation | Vacant |
Midlands | Vacant |
North Oaken | Rhiannon filia Catell |
Pentamere | Helena Falkenstein |
South Oaken | Vacant |
Useful Links
- Documents and Forms for Equestrians
- Equestrian Links on MiddleWiki
- Society Equestrian Marshal
- Inter-Kingdom Equestrian Competition (IKEqC)
- Inter-State Transport Requirements
- Equine Activity Statutes
Other Kingdom Equestrian Sites
- An Tir Equestrian Marshallate
- Ansteorra Equestrian Marshallate
- Atlantian Calvary
- Northshield Constable of the Calvary and Google Discussion Group
- West Kingdom College of Equestrian Arts