Greetings and well met.
Welcome to the new and the services portal. We hope that this enhances your experience interacting with the Middle Kingdom. To that end, we have divided the services for you into three distinct areas:
- Main website (you are here)
- Library of Documents
- Services Portal
The main website is where you will serve as the hub to get around. The library of documents is a searchable repository of the forms and documents we use at events and for administrative tasks. The services portal is where you will find the Full Calendar, Award Recommendations, Group and Officer Maintenance, Officer Reporting, and more. More services are being added in the near future to aid in executing the business of the kingdom.
To help you with the new services portal, the Kingdom Web Minister has a YouTube Channel that includes videos on on how to use the various applications contained in the portal. More videos are coming soon, so check back there often.
If you run into an issue or have a question, please send an email to our Helpdesk and someone will assist you as soon as possible.