Job Openings within the Kingdom
This page is updated and maintained by the Midrealm HelpDesk. It is available not only for all Kingdom Offices, but also for Regional and Local. If you would like to submit an Open Job Announcement for your group, please fill out the job opening submission form. This will submit your request for addition OR removal of a Job Posting to both the MK Helpdesk team AND to the Editor of The Pale. Job openings are otherwise updated monthly around the 20th of each month.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a lot of Job Listings that need to be included into The Pale, be sure to let the Editor of The Pale (currently Lady Claricia de la Mere at [email protected]) as SOON as you can. There is a limit to the number of pages that can be published in The Pale and they will need to adjust for your Job Openings.
Office of the Kingdom Seneschal
- supporting local youth officers and parents
- sharing knowledge with people of all ages
- integrating history and SCA Culture into fun, safe, and age-appropriate educational activities
- helping young people grow as members of our Society
- recognizing youth and their contributions to the Kingdom and recognizing adults who support youth participation in the Kingdom
- reporting to the KSen quarterly based on reports received from local and at-large Ministers of Youth
Office of the Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences
Duties of the Office Include:
- Recruiting classes for RUM sessions
- Recruit replacement classes, if needed, for RUM sessions
- Assist teachers to register their classes on the RUM website
- Approve submitted classes to RUM sessions
- Communicate with teachers in their subject areas about upcoming events and any special instructions
- Approve degrees with emphasis in their college
- Manning the teacher’s check in at a given RUM
- Familiarity with the RUM structure
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
This is a high-trust, high-responsibility position at the Kingdom level.
Responsibilities include:
- Backup to the Kingdom MOAS. Should the MOAS become incapacitated or unavilaable, the Emergency Deputy will:
- Attend Curia meetings as acting MOAS
- Advise the Crown on all matters pertaining to Arts and Sciences
- Work with the A&S Faire, Tournament of Arts, Queen’s Prize Tourney, and other artisan display teams
- Keep the Curia informed as to the state of Arts and Sciences in the Midrealm
- File Society-level reports on behalf of the MOAS..
- Provide ongoing support to the MOAS office as the needs of the office dictate.
- Maintain confidentiality of Curia and Crown communications in accordance with Kingdom and Society policies.
- Maintain current membership through the end of their term of office.
- Support the Kingdom A&S Faire, Crafter’s Greens, and dedicated A&S events as travel budget and Real Life allows.
Please send your SCA and Mundane c.v. to [email protected].
- Submit monthly reports to Midrealm Exchequer and RUM Chancellor
- Keep organized and accurate records
- Overseeing over all assets, both monetary and non-monetary
- Must be a warranted exchequer
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Experience with bookkeeping procedures and accounting
- Previous Exchequer experience
- Experience with Excel
- Experience with Google Adsense
Office of the Kingdom Chatelaine
Chatelaines have to wear many hats. On one hand, you are the person that explains, in everyday terms to bystanders, what is happening at a demonstration (demo). On the other hand, you are making sure that a new member is taking everything they need to an event. You are the person that hands out flyers one day and helps newcomers to understand our terms and traditions the next. You will need to be a little bit of a salesman, a little bit parent and a little bit guide. You will need a strong understanding of the Society and the ability to explain everything in terms that anyone can understand. These are the three main areas of the office:
- Recruitment and retention
- Education and development
- Reporting
There is so much information for a new member to learn. Your office takes care of developing these new members into the SCA members they want to become. You also need to make sure that members that have been in the Society for a while do not get bored or burned out. Keeping in touch with the regular members is just as important as taking care of new ones. It is also a great way to keep your group growing and healthy.
Will you step up to that challenge? We are looking for a First Deputy Kingdom Chatelaine to aid and assist the Kingdom Chatelaine in their endeavors. Please send letter of intent and resume to [email protected] by January 1 with "First Deputy" as the subject.
Her Ladyship Ates, who has served Midlands faithfully for the last several years, has requested someone able and willing to take the reins in the Region. While we are incredibly grateful for everything she has done for the Region, she has more than earned a chance at some rest.
This position entails the following:
- Living in the Midlands Region is kind of a must.... **laughs**
- Be able to answer emails/phone calls within 48 hours.
- Be available to help groups outside your own when possible. (Not always going to be possible, and that is understandable, but I'd like to see at least one per reporting cycle, if possible)
Office of the Kingdom Chronicler
- Maintain the list of current warranted chroniclers in your region
- Oversee local chroniclers filing of a quarterly report and quarterly newsletter publication (when applicable, required for Baronies)
- File the Regional Chronicler Report
- Help answer any questions that may arise from the chroniclers
Office of the Dragon Herald
This position is a Deputy to the Dragon Herald. The Rouge Scarpe Herald is the External Submissions Deputy for the Middle Kingdom. They are responsible for reviewing commentary, leading monthly commentary meetings and issuing decisions on the internal letter, then moving approved submissions forward in the process to Society level commentary.
They are often the point of contact for submitters following issues with returns, or questions on decisions. It is important for this position that the applicant is familiar not only with the submissions process, but also has a good understanding of SENA as well as the Administrative Handbook.
This position requires regular internet access, as well as the ability to monitor an official email account and report quarterly.
If you're interested in this position please submit your SCA Resume and CV to [email protected]
This position is a Deputy to the Dragon Herald. The Midlands Herald is the Regional Deputy for the Midlands Region of the Middle Kingdom.
Regional Heralds work as a touch point and reference for the groups in their region, assisting them with questions, addressing issues of staffing, encouraging heraldic development, and managing court reports.
This position requires regular internet access, as well as the ability to monitor an official email account and report quarterly.
If you're interested in this position please submit your SCA Resume and CV to [email protected]
This position is a Deputy to the Dragon Herald. The Constellation Herald is the Regional Deputy for the Constellation Region of the Middle Kingdom.
Regional Heralds work as a touch point and reference for the groups in their region, assisting them with questions, addressing issues of staffing, encouraging heraldic development, and managing court reports.
This position requires regular internet access, as well as the ability to monitor an official email account and report quarterly.
If you're interested in this position please submit your SCA Resume and CV to [email protected]
Office of the Kingdom Earl Marshal
Office of the Exchequer
- Collect Monthly Reports for local groups within your region by the established deadlines
- Provide Reviews of books prior to officer transitions or at a minimum every two years
- Act as primary contact for questions for the groups within your region
- Receive and compile Domesday reports from local groups within your region.
- Keep organized and accurate records
- Report Quarterly or upon request on group status to the Kingdom Exchequer
- Access to and willingness to be available by email communication/phone consistently
Office of the Kingdom Webminister
- Be the liaison between my office and the local web ministers in Constellation
- Maintain the roster of web ministers within the Services Portal for Constellation
- Have excellent communication and troubleshooting skills
- Assist the Kingdom Web Minister with various projects as needed
- WordPress experience a plus but not required
- Be the liaison between my office and the local web ministers in North Oaken
- Maintain the roster of web ministers within the Services Portal for North Oaken
- Have excellent communication and troubleshooting skills
- Assist the Kingdom Web Minister with various projects as needed
- WordPress experience a plus but not required
- Be the liaison between my office and the local web ministers in South Oaken
- Maintain the roster of web ministers within the Services Portal for South Oaken
- Have excellent communication and troubleshooting skills
- Assist the Kingdom Web Minister with various projects as needed
- WordPress experience a plus but not required