Ollamh Sadb ingen Neill
Office that maintains the Kingdom Communications, including the website and other internet technologies, the Kingdom Newsletter (The Pale) and other venues of communications as needed.
Email the ChroniclerImportant Announcements – Chroniclers & Webministers
No news at this time! (14May2024)
Important Announcements – The Pale (Newsletter)
All events scheduled will once again be required to have an AD placed in The PALE on the 25th of the month, two months prior to the event if a court or any official business is to be held. This would apply to any events in September forward. Thus, the deadline for ADs for September Events would be July 25th. You CAN NOT have a Royal Court, laws read into court, CROWN or Coronation after September 1st if you do not have an AD in The Pale.
Thank you so much for working with our Editor of The Pale and with our Deputy Editor who will be working on the Ads.
Kingdom Chronicler
Useful Links
- Office of the Kingdom Webminister
- Documents and Forms for Chroniclers
- Society Office of the Chronicler
- Officer of the Editor of The Pale – Middle Kingdom Newsletter
- Midrealm History
- Midrealm Origins
Latest from the Desk of the Chronicler
- The Pale – February Letter from the Chronicler
- The Pale – January Letter from the Chronicler
- The Pale – December Letter from the Chronicler
- The Pale – June Letter from Kingdom Chronicler
- The Pale – June Letter from Their Majesties
Chronicler Deputies
Office | Officer Name |
Deputy Chronicler | Dame JahanAra amat al-Hafeeza |
Calendar Secretary | Baron Rue Bryne |
Editor of "The Pale" (Editor in Chief of the Middle Kingdom Newsletter) | Claricia de la Mere |
Kingdom Webminister (See their page for further deputies) | Jalida al-Hasanah |
Kingdom Historian | Cadfan of the Autumn Wood |
Constellation Regional Chronicler | Leandra Corzi |
Midlands Regional Chronicler | Norelle of Scolairi |
North Oaken Regional Chronicler | Elwynor ferch Alwyn |
Pentamere Regional Chronicler | Alys of Alnwick |
South Oaken Regional Chronicler | Ursula Mortimer |