Kingdom Exchequer – April Letter in The Pale

Greetings unto the Exchequers and populace of the most glorious Middle Kingdom,

I am pleased to announce that my successor to the office of Kingdom Exchequer has been chosen. Please help to welcome Baroness Eilis the Stone as the new Kingdom Exchequer. She will begin her tenure at Spring Coronation 2020. I have the utmost faith in her ability to see to the financial state of the kingdom.

Some reminders:
Our monthly reports are due on the LAST day of the month following the reporting month (example: May Report – Due June 30). Any two months of late reports will result in your group being put on financial probation.

Your NMS reports are due within 10 business days from the event and can be mailed with the check to Rhiannon Jones, 2358 Westbrook Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43613. If your event is donation, free, or cancelled, please email me at [email protected] to let me know. Failure to report will result in financial probation for your group with removal of all events on the calendar, and the group being unable to use their funds. Waivers get emailed to [email protected] and are due within 30 days of your event.

Every exchequer should be part of the email list. The link is under “Useful Links” on the Exchequer page of

Thank you, everyone, for all your continued hard work and dedication to the Dream. Should you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, I am always available to listen and provide any aid within my power to give.

In Service to Kingdom and Crown,
Rhiannon Blaiddwen
Kingdom Exchequer