New Rapier Handbook

Midrealm Fencers and Rapier Marshals; Important news on changes to the Handbook and the Reduced Armor experiment.

Our handbook has now been updated to reflect the changes to Society fencing rules. Please pay special attention to the section on Armor Requirements (section 9) as this is where most changes have taken place. This is also reflected in the table in section 4.3 on different types of rapier combat.

Other changes include; flexi-daggers and metal spears are now banned society wide. They were disallowed in the Midrealm previously. Masters of Defence are no longer automatically granted the fencing authorizations for Single, Case, Dagger, Rigid and Non-rigid parries. Some verbiage pertaining to gender have been amended.

Please note that the Back-of-head and Limb components of the Reduced Armor experiment have now been adopted into the society rules! The Torso portion of RA has not, but *for regular rapier only* the experiment is continuing, to gather data to support reduced armor on the torso. Please continue to report – the only difference is that Torso is now the only area to “reduce.” C&T is currently not included in the RA experiment.

These rules are in effect as of today.


Maestra Mirabai Sitt al-Sirr, DKEM Fencing, MIdrealm

Handbook can be found at: