Deputy Earl Marshal for Rapier Combat

Maestra Mirabai Sitt al-Sirr

Office that oversees all rapier combat activities in the Middle Kingdom.
Email: [email protected]

Reporting Schedule

All disciplines are now reporting using the same form. Group marshals are required to report each quarter. Marshals of the Field and Marshals in Training are required to report once a year at the Domesday. Please submit reports here:

Marshals of the Field & Marshals in TrainingNov 1 (Domesday)
Local Group MarshalsFeb 1 (Q1), May 1 (Q2), Aug 1 (Q3), Nov 1 (Q4/Domesday)
Regional MarshalsFeb 7 (Q1), May 7 (Q2), Aug 7 (Q3), Nov 7 (Q4/Domesday)

Deputies to the Rapier Marshal

Experimental WeaponsVacant
ConstellationRashid al-Sanna (Marshall Oliver)
MidlandsFinn O’Connor
North OakenKateryn Bronwen of Gloucester (Katrina Strubler)
PentamereÆlfwine Pyttel
South OakenDeor Leodegar

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