Letter in The Pale from Kingdom Chronicler

Marhabah, Midrealm!

I hope this finds you all with Peace and that you are enjoying the Summer as it starts to unfold. Now that we are open and events are beginning once again, there are a few things that are changing.  The variance that waved the need for Ads in The Pale ends as of July 1.  For example, this means that all September events that need to publish and Ad will be required to have an Ad in the September issue of The Pale. (Submitted to the Editor of The Pale by 25 July.) Please check with The Pale team if you are not certain of the date *before* the 25th of the month. Going forward you will get an email that states ‘received’ when it hits our inbox. Any further questions will be sent to you at some point during the 1st week of the month (Publication week).

Submission Guidelines AND the Document Templates for Ads are available in the Documents Library for The Pale.

As a reminder the following situations require publication of the Event in The Pale:

Crown and Coronet tournaments
Coronations and Investitures
Appointment of kingdom or Principality officers
Presentation of awards and titles
Proclamation of law
Establishment or advancement of branches.

These activities cannot take place unless a complete event notice appears in The Pale, the Middle Kingdom newsletter, at least once before the date of the event. The publication requirement may only be waived in extraordinary circumstances, such as a natural disaster. ALSO, your event MUST be approved by the Calendar Secretary prior to being published in The Pale.

If you do not get your Ad into the Editor by the 25 of the month 2 months prior to your event month, you run the risk of not being able to have the above circumstances happen at your event. This is a HARD deadline. Seneschals and Event Stewards please make certain that you have this as part of your Event Planning strategy.

In other news, The Chronicler’s office is looking to fill several positions in the Kingdom. We are in need of regional officers for Midlands, North Oaken, and Pentamere. These are not publication positions, but act as my deputies in the Kingdom helping me with the day-to-day work and assisting local officers.

We are also looking for a couple of individuals who would like to learn the innerworkings of the production of The Pale our Kingdom Newsletter. It is my desire to have multiple people trained in the production so as to add more support to the Editor. 

 You can find a full description of these positions in the Jobs section of The Pale as well as on the Kingdom Jobs website (http://midrealm.org/jobs). If you are interested in any of these positions, please send me an email ([email protected]).

And finally, if you are a Chronicler for your local group and have not gone through your training or need your warrant renewed, please contact your regional to get this set up.  All Chroniclers are required to be trained and warranted each year per Society.

I hope that you are all well, and I truly look forward to seeing you all in person as soon as I am able. Take care of each other and enjoy the summer!

Middle Kingdom Chronicler