Rapier Continuing Ed Deadline


Marshals, you have 2 opportunities remaining to attend a class for the continuing education requirements if you have not done so already. One is this coming weekend at Midlands Academy of Defense, taught by Warder Roland. The other is a Zoom option on September 7th at 8pm Eastern.

You MUST complete all three parts of the requirements in order to retain your marshallate. They are: 1)Take a class, online or in person. 2)Take the online marshals test, and 3)Fill in the completion form.

Please see the document below for further information, links, and schedules. The deadline for completion of the requirements is Saturday, September 16th. I will be posting a list next week of those who have completed and those who are yet to complete the requirements.


Maestra Mirabai Sitt al-Sirr

DKEM Fencing, Midrealm
