My report to Society is due on the 15th, but I’ll be at Gulf Wars so I submitted it a bit early.
Most of my report to Society deals with number of participants. Armored, Rapier, and Cut and Thrust saw a modest increase in the number of participants. This isn’t surprising – the winter months tend to be a bit slower.
This spring we have a continuing education requirement for both Armored and Rapier.
Armored combatants are required to take a marshal refresher course and to take a short quiz over the rules. We have finalized the content for the refresher and expect to have the quiz finished shortly. Failure to complete the continuing education will result in warrants being revoked. The class will be run by myself, my deputy for armored combat (Syr Draenge), and by the regional marshals. This needs to be completed by July 21, 2024 (the Sunday before Pennsic)
Rapier combatants will need to take a short quiz over the latest edition of the handbook. This needs to be completed by May 1, 2024.